Lore geschreven door Mels:

History of the lucrum dominion

In days of old, when chains were cold, beneath the elven sky, The Lucrum slaves, in shadowed caves, their silent hopes did lie. The elven lords, with cruel swords, ruled lands with iron hand, Yet whispers rose, of secret woes, a fight to take a stand.

To free their kin from elven sin, they sought forbidden might, And thus began the hidden plan, in the darkest of the night. Four beings vile, with twisted guile, were summoned to their aid, For freedom’s dream, a desperate scheme, with fearsome deals was made.

The first to rise, with burning eyes, a demon dark and dire, From Abyss’ core, where shadows soar, and realms are filled with fire. “Give me the souls of battle’s tolls, the fallen ones I crave, Their spirits mine, in death’s design, and thus your path I’ll pave.”

The second came, in time’s own name, a chronomancer dread, His power vast, to shape the past, where time itself had bled. “My rule, my reign, in your domain, this kingdom I will steer, For my command, across the land, your future now lies here.”

The third, unseen, a force obscene, from the Negative Plane, An elder dark, with cruelest mark, sought divine acclaim. “Let me ascend, with gods to blend, my name in reverence stay, But if denied, in shadows bide, my wrath will make you pay.”

The last, in night, with fangs of fright, an ancient vampire cold, From distant lands, with bloodied hands, his tale of darkness told. “A city bright, under moon’s light, for my disciple’s claim, And thus I’ll fight, with savage might, to end your slave-born shame.”

These pacts were struck, with solemn luck, and thus the war began, The elven might, in endless fight, against this rebel clan. With shadowed flame, and time’s own name, the battlefields did burn, The elder’s force, in death’s own course, ensured no foe’s return.

The vampire’s kin, their war to win, did rend the skies with fear, The elven cries, beneath dark skies, were silenced year by year. And when the dust, from war’s fierce gust, had settled on the land, The Lucrum’s call, had shattered thrall, their freedom close at hand.

Yet in their veins, forever reigns, the price that freedom bore, For deals in night, with beings’ might, have left a bloodstained lore. Their kingdom free, yet shadows see, the chains that once did bind, For freedom’s light, by eldritch might, has darkness intertwined.

The Elder Evil’s Revenge

But time has passed, and shadows cast, the Elder Evil waits, Forgotten now, with furrowed brow, in his dark, timeless state. In realms unseen, with vengeance keen, his hatred festers deep, The Elder plots, in tangled knots, his vengeance from his keep.

A herald sent, with dark intent, to Lucrum’s troubled shore, To sow the seeds of ancient deeds, and even the old score. This herald, grim, with twisted grin, whispers in the night, Of forgotten might and looming blight, to stir the coming fight.

”Your souls were mine, by blood’s design, your ancestors did swear, But time did fade, and vows unmade, left me in shadows’ lair. Now I return, let shadows burn, and once again reclaim, The place I sought, with power fraught, to rise in gods’ acclaim.”

In whispered breath, through acts of death, the herald sows his lies, To twist the fate, rejuvenate, the Elder’s lost despise. In Lucrum’s heart, where shadows start, the herald weaves his plan, To bring the rise of darkened skies, upon this fallen land.

The Elder waits, beyond the gates, his patience wearing thin, For when the hour, of darkened power, will let his wrath begin. And thus, the tale, in whispered wail, of freedom’s costly price, Unfolds anew, with vengeance due, beneath the starless skies.

The concept has finally crystallized in my mind, a new weapon to further our cause and strike fear into the heart of our enemies—the Cadaver Collector. A machine unlike any other, born from the union of death and mechanized precision, and destined to become a symbol of dread for the Eldranex and their ambitions in the Lucrum Dominion.

The Cadaver Collector will serve two distinct purposes:

1.      Harvesting the Dead: As our enemies fall on the battlefield, their corpses are wasted potential. This creation will roam the war-torn lands, gathering the bodies of the fallen—be they friend or foe. Every corpse collected will serve as raw material, feeding the machine’s insatiable hunger and fueling its unholy might. This device will not only collect the bodies but absorb residual life energies and magics, further augmenting its power.

2.      Spreading Fear and Despair: The sight of this abomination lumbering through the battlefield, gathering the dead in its iron claws, will break the morale of even the most stalwart opposition. It will stand as a testament to the inevitable fate of those who resist us, a constant reminder that their deaths will not go unexploited.

Design Specifications:

·       Form and Structure: The Cadaver Collector will be massive, its iron frame towering over the battlefield. It will be equipped with powerful arms designed to scoop up bodies and deposit them into its central chamber, where the collected cadavers will be processed and stored. Spikes and hooks will adorn its exterior, both as weapons and as additional tools for gathering the dead.

·       Weaponry: The machine will be heavily armed, equipped with both long-range and melee capabilities. Spiked maces for close combat, arcane cannons to strike at a distance, and the ability to unleash bursts of necrotic energy harvested from the corpses it collects.

·       Necrotic Aura: The machine will emit a constant field of necrotic energy, draining the life force from any who come near and using it to power its functions. This aura will also serve to weaken enemy troops and prevent their own wounded from being healed effectively.

·       Integration with the Eldranex War Machine: The Cadaver Collector will be deployed alongside our armies, acting both as a frontline force and as a grim reminder of the fate that awaits those who defy us. It will also serve to reclaim the fallen from our ranks, ensuring that even in death, our soldiers continue to serve the Dominion.

I shall begin work on the prototype immediately, utilizing the resources available in our hidden workshops. Once complete, this creation will be sent to the frontlines, where its true potential can be tested. The Eldranex shall have a new weapon, one that embodies the ruthlessness and efficiency of our cause.

I must take care to ensure this project remains secret until it is ready to be unleashed. The Lucrum Dominion must not know of our true intentions until the time is right. Soon, they will understand the true power of death harnessed by the Eldranex.

As per your directive, I have begun preliminary investigations into utilizing the body of the Crimson Terror as a vessel for the transformation into an instrument of our design. While our research is still in its nascent stages, I wish to provide an initial overview of our progress and outline the steps that have been taken thus far.

  1. Subject Overview:

·       The Crimson Terror, a formidable figure in his own right, has proven to be a most intriguing candidate. His prior capabilities and the nature of his demise render him a suitable candidate for our intended transformation. We anticipate that the process will yield significant results, given his previous exploits and the inherent power associated with his essence.

  1. Current Condition:

·       The body of the Crimson Terror has been secured and is presently in a state of preservation to prevent deterioration. The remains exhibit signs of prior combat trauma, including the loss of one arm. This arm will need to be replaced with a suitable prosthetic, and the current plan involves the use of a mechanical claw imbued with Umbranite, a metal capable of disintegrating organic matter.

  1. Transformation Process:

·       Initial tests suggest that infusing the Crimson Terror’s body with the essence of the Negative Plane will require a multi-phase approach. The primary focus at this stage involves:

o   Enhancing Physical Form: The transformation will involve augmenting the body’s physical attributes, including the adaptation of the skeletal structure and skin to better align with Negative Plane energies.

o   Integration of Negative Essence: We are in the process of developing a method for infusing the Negative Plane’s essence into the Crimson Terror’s form. This process is expected to involve complex rituals and arcane manipulations.

  1. Challenges & Risks:

·       The complexity of integrating Negative Plane energies with the Crimson Terror’s body presents several challenges. We must carefully manage the balance between maintaining his physical integrity and ensuring successful integration of the essence. The potential for unexpected outcomes is significant, and continued testing will be required.

  1. Preliminary Findings:

·       Early indications suggest that the transformation will result in a form capable of harnessing the full power of the Negative Plane. However, the exact nature of this transformation and the resultant capabilities are yet to be fully understood. Further research and experimentation are necessary to refine the process and ensure desired outcomes.

  1. Next Steps:

·       Development of Rituals: Further research into the necessary rituals for the essence infusion is underway. Collaboration with our most skilled arcane practitioners will be crucial.

·       Prosthetic Implementation: Construction of the mechanical arm and other enhancements will proceed as planned. Coordination with our artificers is ongoing to ensure timely completion.

·       Continued Monitoring: The subject will be monitored closely throughout the transformation process to assess progress and address any issues that arise.

In conclusion, while our progress is still preliminary, the potential for the Crimson Terror to become a powerful vessel for the Negative Plane’s essence is promising. I will continue to keep you apprised of our advancements and any significant developments in this matter.

AI summarize

  • The Lucrum Dominion’s history involves slaves rebelling against elven lords by making pacts with four powerful beings: a demon, a chronomancer, an elder dark, and a vampire
  • These pacts led to a war that freed the Lucrum slaves but left a dark legacy intertwined with their freedom
  • An Elder Evil, one of the beings from the pacts, now seeks revenge for being forgotten and denied godhood
  • A herald of the Elder Evil is sowing discord in the Lucrum Dominion, preparing for the Elder’s return
  • The Eldranex are developing a “Cadaver Collector,” a massive machine designed to harvest corpses from battlefields and spread fear among enemies
  • Plans are underway to transform the body of the “Crimson Terror” into a vessel infused with essence from the Negative Plane
  • The transformation process involves enhancing the Crimson Terror’s physical form and integrating Negative Plane energies
  • These developments are part of a secret project aimed at increasing the Eldranex’s power in their conflict with the Lucrum Dominion